Test Your Emotional Comfort in Relationships

Published at Jul 23, 2023

  • Enhancing positive affect:

    1. I like being around my partner when I’m excited to share my joy.
    2. Being in the presence of my partner feels good when I’m elated.
    3. When I feel elated, I seek out my partner to make them happy.
  • Perspective-taking:

    1. It helps me to deal with my depressed mood when my partner points out that things aren’t as bad as they seem.
    2. When I am annoyed, my partner can soothe me by telling me not to worry.
    3. When I’m sad, it helps me to hear how my partner has dealt with similar feelings.
  • Soothing:

    1. I look for my partner to offer me compassion when I’m upset.
    2. Feeling upset often causes me to seek out my partner who will express sympathy.
    3. I look to my partner when I feel depressed just to know that I am loved.
  • Social modeling:

    1. It makes me feel better to learn how my partner dealt with their emotions.
    2. Seeing how my partner would handle the same situation helps me when I am frustrated.
    3. When I’m sad, it helps me to hear how my partner has dealt with similar feelings.


Crafted with ❤️ by @kayaman

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